
Bits: 04.19.11

Steve Lambert, Billboard, Pittsburgh, PA

• Like artist Steve Lambert, you too can rent the billboard atop Pittsburgh's Waffle Shop. 25 characters per line, 5 lines. Price: Only $100 a week.

• Around 1,500 people had to be evacuated from Barcelona's Sagrada Familia, Antoni Gaudí's famed basilica, after an arsonist set fires. A Barcelona man reportedly walked into the sacristy, sprayed a flammable liquid and set fire to vestments stored there. "The sacristy was destroyed in the blaze and the crypt – part of the building completed while Gaudí was still alive – was badly damaged by smoke," The Guardian reports.

• Video: Justseeds highlights an art-and-ecology project by Minnesota artists Xavier Tavera and Maria Cristina Tavera at last summer's Watershed: Art, Activism, and Community Engagement in Milwaukee.

• AltJapan looks at cute characters created to warn kids about tsunamis.

• Via Bad at Sports, Chicago is launching a CSA program inspired in part by the mnartists.org/Springboard for the Arts' Community Supported Art program. Here's PBS Artbeat's look at the Minnesota program from last summer.

• The Big Picture gives a deserved salute to war photographers who are facing increasingly more dangerous conditions.

On the origins of the term "shit-faced."

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