
More on BS from Sivacracy: Siva, far more eloquent than I on the topic, blogs about "fair use" and "On Bullshit." He writes that perhaps "Professor Frankfurt should include copyright abuse among the list of 'bullshit' claims flying around our culture these days," and he proposes a plan:
How about this? If you have a blog out there, copy and paste the exact text that got Paul in trouble. Post in on your blog. See what happens.

Better yet, someone at Princeton should scour Professor Frankfurt's body of work for his use of quotes from copyrighted material. Could he really have made a career without quoting?
And he concludes:
In my critical judgement, this essay should not be a book. It should be an essay posted on the Web. Criticism in a free society: That's what fair use is all about. That's also what calling bullshit bullshit is all about.

See the connection?
And: Princeton's Ed Felten, commenting at Copyfight's link to Siva's story, says that perhaps Frankfurt thought I created the page linked at the bottom of my blog entry that contained the full essay. I didn't. That page, which used to look like this, no longer contains the full text.

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