
Are we safer now? BushCo loses track of explosives in Iraq: This headline caught my attention this morning: "It's a gamble to trust Democrats to run War on Terror." Probably true--what's not a gamble these days?--but considering recent headlines out of Iraq, I'd put my money on John Kerry's administration over the bumbling Bushes. The big story is that some 380 tons of highly dangerous explosives, held securely under lock and key by the International Atomic Energy Agency during Saddam's regime, have now gone missing under Bush's watch. The explosives--RDX and HMX--have gone unguarded during the Iraq war and occupation and may be what's been used in the rash of car bombings across the country of late. The explosives could also be used to detonate a nuclear explosion. Dangerous stuff--chemically and politically--which is why the Department of Defense has been trying to keep its disappearance quiet. (More reporting on the story at TPM.)

Isn't it clear that Kerry's right that Bush had no plan to "win the peace" in Iraq? If he did, it was an abysmal attempt. At least Bush is truthful when he says it's "up in the air" whether we'll ever feel safe from terror. His administration's bungling in Iraq seems to ensure that outcome.

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